Good morning! May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
The current deal at Westminster Books is a good one: significant discounts on some of their favorite systematic theologies.
(Yesterday on the blog: Great Occasions For Serving God)
I enjoyed Christine Farenhorst’s explanation of how letters mingle souls (in a way emails and text messages do not).
10 Brief Reflections on an Elder’s Character
These reflections on the character of an elder are brief but helpful.
Lauren Washer: “It’s too much, Lord. I can’t count the number of times I’ve uttered some form of these words. Sometimes I whisper through my tears and other times I scribble furiously onto the pages of my journal—early morning thoughts after news of another hardship. Another friend’s suffering. My own difficult circumstances. A world in physical, emotional, and spiritual upheaval.”
From Sunrise to Sunset, And Everything In-Between
Amber Thiessen reflects on some of the more difficult parts of her journey: “Our journey of life will take us through rough patches, to say the least. We’ve persevered through the beginnings of a pandemic. We’ve experienced pain and hardship in relationships,
To the full-length post originally published on this site.