by Greg E. Gifford, PhD


Missionaries experience some of the most difficult circumstances a person can face, and they often do it alone. It’s difficult enough to face miscarriages, panic attacks, and conflict with teammates when you have a community of people to encourage you. It’s quite another to face these types of difficulties with just you—and maybe your spouse. Worse yet, member care for missionaries is directly connected to their ‘fitness for duty’, so to speak. Meaning, if you get a bad review by your agency’s member care personnel, it could mean the end of your time on the field. This blog is a conversation starter to make known the idea of being a counseling missionary (CM) who provides care to missionaries and nationals, alike.


Counseling Missionary (CM)

A counseling missionary (CM) is a person, male or female, who uses their gifts in biblical counseling to serve those on the field. This missionary can be sent as an independent worker to a region to provide care for missionary and national. Unlike member care, the missionary is not exclusively focused on the missionary but also on the national. It’s like a bi-vocational educator and missionary—using counseling to serve

To the full-length post originally published on this site.