Where I live and pastor some aspects of sanctification are now illegal.

A recent decision in my home state of Victoria—in Australia—seeks to overturn this work of God’s grace. The Victorian Parliament has adopted the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020.

Amongst other things, the Conversion and Suppression Practices Bill criminalizes any prayers or conversations in which one person aims to persuade another that pursuing certain sexual activity is not the best course of action. It’s not only illegal to pray or speak with an individual about changing their sexual orientation or gender identity—unless, of course, this change means embracing an LGBTIQ lifestyle—the law states that suppression is also illegal. “Suppression” includes prayers for celibacy, and any advice that communicates sexual faithfulness to one’s spouse is a matter of holiness.

These new laws target ministry to individuals (i.e. pastoral counseling); they do not target groups (i.e. a sermon in church). However, the Victorian Government has already indicated that they are prepared to expand the list of prohibitions to include sermons in the future.

Under these new laws, an anonymous complaint can lead to a person or organization being investigated and brought before a civil tribunal (VCAT). The tribunal

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.