Good morning! Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s list of Kindle deals turned into a pretty good one.

Help! I Don’t Like the Music at My Church

Matt Merker offers help to those who struggle with their church’s music. “Too loud. Too soft. Too rhythmic. Too classical. Not relevant enough. Not transcendent enough. Not polished, creative, innovative, interesting, or powerful enough. Not good enough—at least not for me. How do you feel about the music at your church? Are you ever disappointed by it? Why?”

On Conspiracy Theories and Why Christians SHOULD Be Interested in Them

This is very long but includes lots of interesting insights about conspiracy theories and why they should be of interest to Christians. “Being interested in conspiracy theories is not the same as believing them. It is possible to be knowledgeable of conspiracy claims, but not obsessed. Open, but not blinded by them. In many cases, the safest ground is the middle ground — Agnosticism.”

Then I Will Never Follow Him

Here’s an interesting experience from the mission field. “‘If you follow Jesus,’ I explained to him, ‘He will ask you to love your worst enemies and no longer to hate them.’

To the full-length post originally published on this site.