The Lord be with you and bless you today!

Today’s Kindle deals include a few odds and ends.

Logos users, I’ve got a couple of things to tell you. First, be sure to check out this month’s free and nearly free books. Second, Logos March Matchups is back and will lead to a huge discount on a commentary set, so get voting!

(Yesterday on the blog: Which Christian Best Portrays Christ?)

Sin Is Cosmic Treason

I kind of expect that by now most people are familiar with R.C. Sproul’s explanation of sin as cosmic treason. If not, here’s a good article on it. “Even the slightest sin that a creature commits against his Creator does violence to the Creator’s holiness, His glory, and His righteousness. Every sin, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is an act of rebellion against the sovereign God who reigns and rules over us and as such is an act of treason against the cosmic King.”

The Sovereign State Of Facebook vs. The World

This is increasingly the case, isn’t it? Big tech has gained more power over citizenry than entire governments. “Facebook’s 3 billion monthly active users, its mountain of money and its control

To the full-length post originally published on this site.