This week the blog is sponsored by Baker Books and is adapted from Michael Sherrard’s new book Why You Matter: How Your Quest for Meaning Is Meaningless without God.

We live in an ironic time. The belief that all people should be treated equally is spreading, and yet, so is hatred. People genuinely hate each other today: republicans and democrats, mask wearers and virus conspirators, Disney and those who think Gina Carano shouldn’t have been kicked off Mandalorian. Half the country likely wouldn’t be too disappointed if they woke up to a world where their political and ideological adversaries were snapped out of existence by Thanos.

But shouldn’t a nation obsessed with equality also be committed to loving their neighbor as themself? Instead, it’s like we are all charging into battle screaming “Die!” in the name of equality. Our actions are betraying what we say we believe, and I think it’s fair to question whether we really believe that all lives matter.

But should we believe that all lives matter? That’s a radical thing to ask, isn’t it? Seriously, though, what makes people equal? We aren’t obviously equal. People aren’t equally smart, funny, beautiful, good, productive, or

To the full-length post originally published on this site.