On my birthday—August 1, 2021—New Growth Press will release my latest book: Consider Your Counsel: Addressing Ten Mistakes in Our Biblical Counseling.

For free resources related to the book, click here. To pre-order a copy of Consider Your Counsel, click here.

Folks like you who read my blog know that I typically focus on a positive presentation of the sufficiency of Scripture for biblical counseling, one-another ministry, and daily Christian living.

So, why write a book about mistakes in biblical counseling? Fair question.

That’s why in today’s post I’m sharing the Introduction to Consider Your Counsel—where you’ll learn my motivation for writing about addressing 10 mistakes in our biblical counseling.

But first, what’s in the book? Check out the Table of Contents to see what those 10 mistakes are.

Table of Contents for Consider Your Counsel 

Introduction: A Word from Bob

Mistake #1: We Elevate Data Collection above Soul Connection

Mistake #2: We Share God’s Eternal Story before Listening to People’s Earthly Story

Mistake #3: We Talk at Counselees Rather Than Exploring Scripture with Counselees

Mistake #4: We Target Sin but Diminish Suffering

Mistake #5: We Fail to Follow the Trinity’s Model of Comforting

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.