Some of you may have noticed that my blogging has been less frequent lately and that recent posts have included reruns. The long and short of it is that I’ve been running on fumes. Last year was a year of great blessing for our family, as the Lord made it possible to become homeowners again. However, like the rest of you, 2020 was filled with many challenges as well.

There are times in our lives when we experience multi-layered trials; it’s not one big thing, but many difficulties layered on top of each other at the same time over a long period, imposing a wearying, at times even, a crushing kind of weight. For me, it’s been a year of many forms of stress, decision fatigue, and multiple health struggles. As an exhausting year neared its end, my father died in November, which added emotional grief to the mix. Three days later, I tested positive with coronavirus, which struck where it hurts me the most–at my energy level–leaving me with exhausting physical fatigue for several weeks. I’m still tired. Recently, I ran into a former neighbor at Home Depot who happened to have the virus at the same

To the full-length post originally published on this site.