Good morning! The God of love and peace be with you today.

There are a couple of Kindle deals on the list for now. I’ll look for more in the morning.

There is a pretty clear theme through the different links I bookmarked yesterday and included today. It shouldn’t be hard to spot it…

The Good Name of Our Neighbor

Richard Holdeman cautions against speaking rashly of others. “Fellow believers in the church can be very careless with regard to our good name and reputation. This is especially tempting in a situation in which an individual has sinned or is thought to have sinned.”

Avoid the Hot Takes

Susan Olasky cautions against speaking hastily about current events. “Christians especially should be slow to speak. People are complicated. Explanations that focus only on external factors of race, gender, ethnicity, or legal requirements may miss the motivations that animate individual human beings. The Bible teaches that ‘out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.’”

When You Are Tempted To Think You Are At War With Fellow Christians

Wyatt Graham cautions against thinking you are at war with fellow Christians. “Social media, online

To the full-length post originally published on this site.