There are books that tell you how to take care of your children, your spouse, your house, or your dog. There appears to be no end of books that tell you how to look after yourself. There are books to aid teachers in helping students, lawyers in defending clients, or pastors in caring for church members.

But where do we find the books that tell us how to look after those who look after us? How to help your mother train you in godliness. Six steps to your doctor’s happiness. Looking after your teacher. Loving your lawyer. I’m not confident we would benefit from all these titles, but one book I can’t find that I’m certain would be useful is something on how to encourage your pastor.


Perhaps the book can’t be found because it’s never been written. But it would be a book worth writing—and for all of us, worth reading. After all, Scripture reminds us to honor elders that rule well, but especially to honor “those who labor in preaching and teaching” (1 Tim. 5:17). Such honor can take many forms: respect, encouragement, affection, and obedience (2 Cor. 6:11–13).

Paul goes on to say that honor

To the full-length post originally published on this site.