May God bless you this weekend as you serve him and remember the day of Christ’s resurrection.

Today’s Kindle deals include an interesting little collection of varied titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: Always Read the Story to the End)

When It’s Time to Leave a Church

There can be very legitimate, but also very illegitimate, times to leave a church. H.B. Charles Jr. offers some ways to distinguish them in this article.

The World Wants Us To Hate One Another (Video)

We’d all do well to consider what Todd Friel says here—that the world wants Christians to hate one another.

Turning The Trans Tide

It’s interesting to read how the UK seems to have been able to turn the trans tide, at least for now. “After years in which the trans-rights movement seemed unstoppable, Britain has put the brakes on. The government has abandoned a proposal to streamline ‘gender self-identification.’ Bien-pensant opinion has become more skeptical. Whistleblowers from the medical world are speaking out. And in December 2020, the country’s only gender identity clinic for under-18s suffered a major legal defeat. It was about what happened next to Keira Bell.”

When the Bible Turns Into Instagram

Trevin Wax

To the full-length post originally published on this site.