Good morning! Grace and peace to you as you serve the Lord today and this week.

There’s a short list of Kindle deals to look at today.

(Yesterday on the blog: To the Mourner)

“Jesus and Resurrection? What’s This Babbler Trying to Say?”

“Babbling. Lots of talk is just that: babbling. Babbling, of course, is babbled by babblers. There’s no need to pay attention. It’s all just gas.”

A Murderer Finds Resurrection Life

This is a neat testimony to God’s grace. “Our family’s relationship with our next-door neighbor had always been friendly: smiling and waving from driveways, conversations about lawn upkeep or the weather, watching our kids play together in the cul-de-sac. But one day that spring I walked out of my house to find Martin pacing anxiously between our homes, tears streaming down his face, muttering unintelligibly under his breath.”

What if the Resurrection Never Happened?

“So enthralled (rightly) are we by the cross of Christ that we can, if we’re not careful, inadvertently underplay what happened on Easter—the bodily, literal resurrection of Jesus. After all, without Easter Sunday, Good Friday is just another Friday.”

The Church Is Still The Bride Of Christ

I think you

To the full-length post originally published on this site.