The pain of prodigal sons or daughters is often felt the most keenly by parents who fully invested themselves in intentional parenting. We have spoken with many heartbroken parents who are confused and even a little disappointed in God.

We did everything we were taught to do. We were always in church; if the doors were open, our family was there. Family worship was a daily priority. We sacrificed to provide a Christian education. Our son won prizes for Scripture memorization. He never gave us any trouble. He even went on mission trips with young people from church. But in college everything changed. He never did get connected to a good church. He started hanging out with young people who were into drugs and the whole party scene. Now he wants nothing to do with Christianity and gets pretty hostile when we bring it up or ask what happened.

Meanwhile we have friends who were worldly Christians, inconsistent in training their kids, allowed them to watch movies we forbid in our home, they attend church spasmodically, sent their kids to public school, they allow their children far more latitude when it came to making choices and you should see their

To the full-length post originally published on this site.