Megan Hill, A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church. Crossway, 2020. 184 pages.

When the local church appears utterly unremarkable—insignificant in the eyes of the world and pretty ordinary even in our own—how do we delight in belonging there? (13)

Megan Hill wrote A Place to Belong to answer that question.

A Place to Belong is written for any believer who has showed up to church only to find it distractingly ordinary—the folks in the pew behind us always sing loudly out of tune, whoever makes the coffee doesn’t know what they’re doing, and the person across the aisle sent a hurtful text the week before. How could this disjointed, pettish, imperfect group possibly be the bride of the Lamb?


Our culture focuses on visible, tangible markers of success. But Scripture teaches God’s people to cherish the invisible realities of our life in Christ and of the age to come. Each of Hill’s nine chapters seeks to do just that, examining a different facet of the church’s identity from Scripture and bringing those truths home to our daily lives. Hill aims to help her readers “see the church as God

To the full-length post originally published on this site.