A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 1 of a three-part blog mini-series by guest bloggers Dan Brewer and Matthew Black. Please see the end of today’s post for Dan and Matt’s bios.

Waiting Can Be Wrenching

We’ve all experienced waiting on the Lord. Waiting seems to be one of the Lord’s favorite sanctification tools.

Waiting can come in all shapes and sizes. Perhaps you’ve experienced trouble conceiving a child, and you have been waiting and praying for that positive pregnancy test result. Yet month after month, disappointment. 

Or, maybe you are the parent of a prodigal child, and you have been waiting and praying for them to return home. But as you intently scan the spiritual horizon there seems to be no sign of them coming home. Day after day, agony.

Waiting on the Lord can be a soul wrenching experience. If you have ever had to wait more than five minutes for God to do something really important, you know the feeling. At times it can feel like getting the wind knocked out of you, as though there is a hole in the core of your soul.

Waiting Time Is Worship Time 

If that describes you, take

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.