Grace and peace to you today!

If the Church Will Have Glory, It Must Come from God

Jared Wilson: “We take God lightly. We treat him flippantly. We are too busy saying ‘whee’ in church when we should be saying ‘woe is me.’ The weightiness, the gravity, the all-encompassing and awe-inspiring glory of the Creator God, the Great I AM, is woefully neglected in far too many places where something resembling worship takes place.”

4 Predictions for the Post-Pandemic Church

Justin Poythress offers some predictions for the post-pandemic church. “The tide of the pandemic has now receded to the point where can see more of the ground in front of us again. Now is the time to prudently reckon with which trend lines are rising and which are disappearing. I offer four predictions of what American church will look like in a post-pandemic age.”

Watch Mark Dever & Ian Hamilton On The Value Of Radius International

Radius International is a unique organization that trains cross-cultural church planters to reach the “ends of the earth”. Their annual conference is at Bethlehem Baptist this year, June 23-24th, with John Piper and Mark Dever as guest speakers. Come for a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.