The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a number of good books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Simon, Would You Still Have Passed That Way?)

How Hyperbole Dulls Our Spiritual Discernment

This is a very good article from Thomas Schreiner. “We live in an age with a cacophony of voices, where we exaggerate to make our voice heard. It is tempting, therefore, to trumpet our concerns with hyperbole. We seize the attention of others with rhetoric, by overplaying our hand, and sometimes the good and righteous are vilified.”

What Does It Profit A Person To Win An Argument, But Act Like A Jerk?

Todd Friel asks a good question and answers through the words of John Newton.


Kyle Borg: “With many in our nation and world I waited in anticipation yesterday as the jury delivered their verdict in the Derek Chauvin case. I watched intently as the camera focused on the face of the accused and as his eyes darted all around. I listened as Judge Cahill calmly read the sentence of justice: ‘Murder in the second-degree: Guilty. Murder in the third-degree: Guilty. Manslaughter: Guilty.’ As I watched

To the full-length post originally published on this site.