Good morning! The God of peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include some special deals from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: Whatever Is Not Christ)

Were the New Testament Authors Aware of Their Own Authority?

“Sometimes, even in the academic world, things get said so many times that people assume they are true.   And when that happens, no one bothers to look at the historical evidence in a fresh way.” A good example is the notion that the NT authors were unaware of their own authority.

How to Preach with Biblical Fullness

Ray Ortlund says it well: “My brother pastor, to preach with biblical fullness, rising above ourselves and our biases, our best course is to preach through the Bible, passage by passage, letting each passage make its unique contribution, confident that over time the fullness of it all will serve people well with a clear vision of the Triune God. But let us never force a passage to say what we think it ought to have said and thus complicate the work of God.”

How Pfizer Makes Its Covid-19 Vaccine

The New York Times has a neat and multimedia article that shows how a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.