It’s hard for me to believe it, but today is exactly six months since Nick went to heaven. In some ways it feels like more than that, but in so many more it feels like less. Six months ago we were a family of five and looking forward to soon being a family of six through a fast-approaching wedding. Today we are a family of four, though with an unofficial “extra” we love very much and gladly consider a daughter, even if she never quite got to the point of taking on the family name.

Speaking of which, this Saturday, May 8, was to be their wedding day. How strange it is to think that this week we should be heading down to Louisville for a great celebration. We should be trying on suits and dresses, setting up a venue, welcoming friends and family, writing speeches, crying tears of joy. We should be preparing to have Nick and Ryn move back with us where they planned to spend the summer while carrying out ministry internships at our church—Nick in pastoral work and Ryn in missions. But those were all our should’s, not God’s. God’s will, which we

To the full-length post originally published on this site.