A Word from Bob: As the Founding Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC), I had the privilege of serving, along with my lifelong friend, Pastor Steve Viars, as the General Editors of Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling (CCBC). First released in 2013 by Harvest House and the Biblical Counseling Coalition, an updated, revised edition was released in April 2021. So this is a great time to reintroduce you to this comprehensive, collaboratively-written biblical counseling resource—Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling: Changing Lives with God’s Changeless Truth.

To order the updated edition of Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling you can visit: My RPM Ministries Store. The BCC and CCBC 

Here’s the launch Vision Statement of the Biblical Counseling Coalition:

The Biblical Counseling Coalition exists to encourage collaborative relationships and to provide robust resources related to biblical counseling, Christian living, and local church ministry.

And here’s the BCC’s initial Passion Statement:

Promoting Personal Change Centered on the Person of Christ Through the Personal Ministry of the Word.

Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling beautifully fulfills the BCC’s mission. The book brought together over three dozen leading biblical counseling authors (collaborative relationships) to provide a wealth of wisdom for life and ministry (robust resources) that focuses on Christ-centered

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.