“Fight the good fight of faith,

lay hold on eternal life,

whereunto thou art also called,

and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

1 Timothy 6:12

Older,” she said, “I am not getting old. I am getting older.” And we smiled.

Carol Jean Porter Phillips, age 84 and the beloved matriarch of our family, was beginning to fade. Dementia nipped the edges of her mind blurring so many precious memories I longed to hold on to.

There is still a file on my phone titled, “to ask mother.”

Through the years, we had talked about what it was like to be a teenager in World War II.

In an effort to stop the terrible march of fascism and imperialism that crept a little closer each day, they would peel the little aluminum pieces off gum wrappers,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.