This week the blog is sponsored by Brazos Press and is adapted from Andrew T. Walker’s new book Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age.

It is common to hear religious liberty advanced under the banner of the “free market of ideas.” While we should exercise caution in reducing evangelism to ideas associated with mere choice and consumption, there is an important truth here: if the gospel is true, the gospel does not need government preference.


Because in the scope of history, truth wins. That is not to say that truth is always victorious, but that in the fullness of time truth will overcome error just as goodness will triumph over evil. Truth needs nothing other than itself for persuasion.

Thus, for a Christian, religious liberty expresses confidence in the gospel. The gospel needs no accomplices. It is independent from artificial supports that would attempt to bolster its credibility. The gospel needs not the bejeweled trappings of salesmanship or a sword-drawn threat. Those with ears to hear will hear (Matt. 11:15). Humanity is not under compulsion to accept the blessings of Christ. The rich young ruler’s rejection of Christ was not met

To the full-length post originally published on this site.