by Frances Tibayan


Abuse is a sad reminder that God’s kingdom has not yet fully arrived. We know Christ has conquered sin and death, yet we are left with the emotions and consequences of other people’s sin. Healing from past victimization is really difficult. But not impossible. I was sexually abused for a period of my life during childhood but by God’s grace he helped me process and continues to heal me. Remembering God faithfully keeps his promise to help and protect you (Psalm 121) is essential. He gives us his truth in the Bible to stabilize us. He surrounds us with his body, the church, to help us heal with Christ as our hope. As you move forward with counseling, remember the process takes time. Progress is slow but change is underway (Phil. 2:13). As you begin to process, perhaps you find yourself in the counseling room or in your friend’s living room. Don’t be paralyzed by what at first seems scary. Talking, lamenting and looking backward (then forward) are tools God uses to help his people get through the trauma of sexual abuse.


Sometimes past memories flash before you. They can easily cripple you for days. What are you thinking as the past grabs your

To the full-length post originally published on this site.