Editors Note: This article is written by BCC Counselor, Carol Wright as part of our series on Pursuing Peace. In this series, our counselors are unpacking how to find peace in all areas of your life.

When the Neurologist said “Alzheimer’s” it took my breath away. Wait, what? It wasn’t the diagnosis I was prepared for. My sweet, compassionate, and caring mom was in her 80’s and had lived a long, full life. As her primary caregiver, I enjoyed having her in my home.

But the reality of her life, and mine, had just changed. Yes, my responsibilities had increased over the years as she became more limited in her ability. Yet, she was still my sweet momma, and a new reality had just been given a name: Alzheimer’s.  

As I contemplated her future and mine, the uncertainty of it all became very certain. Although we were embarking on uncharted waters, I was certain of this: a steady decline in her physical ability and mental capabilities was in our future. A decline never to rebound. A pending outcome defined by the disease.  

Can you relate? Maybe not specifically to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, but maybe another dreaded diagnosis: cancer, ALS, MS. Maybe an unexpected job loss, or the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.