The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

On sale this week at Westminster Books is the excellent God’s Word for You series.

There are a couple of good books to look at in today’s Kindle deals.

The Power of the Word of God (Video)

I enjoyed this brief video of Alistair Begg explaining the power of God’s Word.

Come Home, Weary Wanderer

“As the years roll by, God’s children can slip into patterns of behavior that, mostly unbeknownst to them, lead to a place absent of the heart and mission of God. It’s subtle, like the dripping of a faucet. Little by little, their eyes veer from the path of righteousness and wholehearted devotion to Jesus. The world and its desires distract even the most faithful and committed followers. If you find yourself in a similar season, here are some thoughts to help you course correct.”

The Distinctions God Makes and Man’s Rebellious Attempt to Erase Them

This one is quite interesting—a look at the ways in which God creates distinctions but we, in our rebellion, try to erase them.

6 Questions about the Book of Job

Christopher Ash does a great job answering some

To the full-length post originally published on this site.