David J Hesselgrave, We Evangelicals & Our Mission: How We Got to Where We Are and How to Get to Where We Should Be Going. Cascade Books, 2020. 137 pages.

David Hesselgrave, who passed away between the writing and publishing of this book, was an influential voice in missiology for decades. A former missionary to Japan, professor of missiology at Trinity Seminary, and author of numerous books on missions, Hesselgrave’s voice carries significant weight in the world of missiology. This short book is a follow-up to his influential Paradigms in Conflict, which lays out some of the competing theological and methodological differences that affect the work of missions. This book, however, lays out what he sees as evangelical missiology in crisis and how evangelicals can be faithful and effective in the future.


So what is evangelical missiology crisis? Hesselgrave explains:

The fundamental problem in evangelical churches and missions is a weakening of the faith—objective faith, revealed faith, the historic Christian faith, the faith of the church fathers. (111)

This weakening of the faith emerges from the failure, in many evangelical corners, to fend off the “storm” of theological liberalism. This failure can be seen in the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.