God calls each one of us to love sacrificially (Eph 5:2). Loving this way is hard. In our home, this call meant becoming foster parents. Being a foster parent is not easy or simple, and sometimes it is not even fulfilling (as you and I are tempted to define it). It is hard, it is costly, and it is often thankless, but we do it nonetheless. Here are three reasons why we, as a couple and now as a family, choose to do what is hard.

First, there is a need. The world certainly is full of needs, and when faced with any particular need are we not accountable to respond in some way? Shouldn’t we ask: If not me, who? But though it is relatively easy to nod our heads to the needs of the orphan, I don’t believe everyone is called to take it on personally. Was I? Was I prepared for it? If I waited to feel equipped to do it, I would have never entered in. I spoke, taught, and counseled on this topic because I believed it was important. If I was not willing to live it out, how could I ask others

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.