EDITOR’S NOTE: 9Marks is not just a ministry for credobaptist churches. We exist to serve paedobaptist churches, too. Nonetheless, we recognize that most of our readers are probably credobaptists. So we though it might be helpful to demonstrate how to teach those churches about baptism.

What follows is how one pastor began to teach his church. Even if you don’t agree on every single point, as we ourselves may not, we think you’ll find much useful material here. 


Judging from the labels on our bottled water, we Americans like to know what’s in our water. Did it come from a spring? A mountain? Is it pure? We’re mostly made of water, so that makes sense. Well, the church is made of water too, the water of baptism. Yes, more important than drinking water is dunking water.

In this three-part series, I want to answer the question: what’s in the water of baptism? I don’t mean the water in the tub on Sunday morning. I mean theologically. Or, to put it a few different ways, what does baptism involve? What are God’s intentions for it in his plan to gather a people for his name? What does the Scripture say

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.