This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Radius International  They are giving away a conference package that includes: 2 tickets, a Radius pullover, and 4 books.

The winner will receive two free tickets to the Radius Missiology Conference being held June 23-24, 2021, at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN. This event will be live in person or available as a live stream. John Piper, Mark Dever, Wayne Chen, Harshit Singh, Brooks Buser, and others from the Radius world will be live and in-person to teach on the Great Commission in today’s world with free books from 9Marks, Banner of Truth, and Desiring God.

The winner will receive a Radius International branded pullover. Size and gender option to be selected by the winner from available stock.

The winners will also receive four Books that Radius International highly recommends:

John G. Paton by John G. Paton. The autobiography of John G. Paton contains everything necessary to make it a missionary classic. Born into a Christian family near Dumfries in 1824, Paton’s early years were marked by a struggle against poverty. He was self-educated, and the training ground for his life’s work was the slums of Glasgow where he

To the full-length post originally published on this site.