Good morning. May grace and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include what I guess we could consider some odds and ends.

On Masks, Vaccines, and Church Unity

I consider this one very, very important. “When the pandemic first began, many elders likely sensed that the unity of their churches was about to be tested. This past year has borne that suspicion out, as nearly every pastor has felt himself pulled in all directions by people that he knew on every side to be loving and reasonable people. As hard as 2020 was, I’m convinced that we are entering a new phase that could be equally challenging.”

Assume the Best of Others

This article is somewhat related to the last one. “Cynicism and suspicion, I know firsthand, crawl into our minds and make us traitors to ourselves, dangers to our families, and toxins to our churches. Our suspicions can make us strike at those dearest to us. They contain a self-fulfilling prophecy: the more we suspect, the more reasons we find to suspect; the more we distrust, the more reasons we find to distrust. Every creak of the floor becomes a burglar.”

The Logic of the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.