At one time or another, you’ve probably heard someone say in a dismissive tone: “I’m just not a good listener!”

Whether we get distracted by what we are going to say next, are easily offended by unfair criticism, or feel overwhelmed by needing to find the right words to reply, quality listening is complicated.

Add to that the fact that we tend to view ourselves better than we are and we tend to view others as worse than they are, and quality listening becomes a complicated dynamic that many fail to adequately understand.

However, if we are going to pursue a habit of loving listening in our relationships, we need to heed the many warnings about lousy listening from Proverbs. Failing to listen is not a laughing matter.

The previous post laid out four benefits of loving listening. However, Proverbs also gives us four warnings or results if we fail to listen. We undermine our effectiveness and damage our relationships when we don’t listen well.  Lousy listening dishonors God and those around us.

1. Lousy listeners are prideful – Proverbs 18:2

Proud people don’t need the details, they already know the answer. In your conversations, how certain are you that you are right?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.