Updates on Shirley: For updates on Shirley’s recovery from her stroke on June 4, visit Please Pray for Shirley. To read Scriptures that Shirley and I are focusing on during these trying times, you can visit Shirley’s Scriptures. For a major lesson we are learning together, check out What Do We Really Mean When We Ask God for “Help”? 

“Look Left” 

For the past ten days, Shirley has been at UW Acute Rehab. They call it “boot camp.” It’s intense. It’s so intense that at one point Shirley asked me to play on my phone “Eye of the Tiger” from Rocky while she was in physical therapy.

Shirley’s stroke paralyzed her left side. All the intensive therapy is designed to reboot the brain’s connection to Shirley’s left side. Part of this paralysis includes Shirley currently not “noticing” or “detecting” or even thinking about what’s on her left.

So the therapists had us put up a sign with the simple reminder, “Look left.” Shirley will spot that sign (which is on her right), lift her head, and purposefully and slowly turn her neck and head to the left.

Even while reading, Shirley needs to keep remembering to “look left.” I

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.