Updates on Shirley: For updates on Shirley’s recovery from her stroke on June 4, visit Please Pray for Shirley. To read Scriptures that Shirley and I are focusing on during these trying times, you can visit Shirley’s Scriptures. For a major lesson we are learning together, check out What Do We Really Mean When We Ask God for “Help”?  For another major lesson we’re learning, you can read Look Left; Look Up!

What About Bob? 

Since Shirley’s stroke, many friends, after asking how Shirley is doing, have lovingly asked me, “How are you doing, Bob?” They’ll often share with me the illustration about how flight attendants remind adults, “In the event of an emergency, first put on your oxygen mask, then put on the oxygen mask for your children.” They’ll follow this up with, “If you’re going to care well for Shirley, you have to be sure your soul is being cared for.”

I get it. I agree. The illustration makes sense.

However…there’s another illustration that also fits. It’s the triage illustration. In an emergency room, the person in greatest and most urgent need receives the care and help first.

That’s how I’m processing our intense situation with Shirley’s

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.