Last week I enjoyed a restful vacation with my family and am now glad to be back in my home and back at my desk. I’m also glad to be back to posting not just the daily A La Carte, but also some new articles.

There are a couple of Kindle deals that may be worth a look.

How Would You Summarize the Old Testament in 2,000 Words?

Justin Taylor shares Thomas Schreiner’s excellent, brief summary of the OT.

If Not Twitter, then What?

Samuel James: “If not life via the web, then what? What would Christian discourse look like if it were not tied so closely to technologies that subtly undermine core convictions? What would we do if we didn’t have YouTube, what we would talk about if we didn’t scroll Twitter, what would we know about each other if we didn’t check Instagram?”

The 2021 Audubon Photography Awards

It is good to see God’s handiwork in what he has created.

Critical Race Theory: Plundering the Egyptians or Worshiping Ba’al?

Bruce Ashford writes that though CRT does not get everything wrong, it is still not a useful system of thought for Christians to embrace. “Yet precisely because CRT’s

To the full-length post originally published on this site.