May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

On sale this week at Westminster Books is the excellent “The Gospel in the Old Testament” series. It’s a helpful resource for better understanding and applying the OT.

Trusting God in the Midst of Tragedy

Aileen and I have been blessed to become friends with Jamie and Vanessa Strickland as our families have endured similar tragedies. In this article Jamie reflects on a psalm that has been especially precious to him after the death of their precious Jude.

Of Devils and Advocates: The Meaning of Native Graves

Steven Wedgeworth has written a helpful article on Canada’s residential schools. “Since the end of May, Canada has been rocked by the discovery of unmarked graves associated with the government’s notorious Canadian Indian residential school system. At the time of this writing, five major sites have been located, with an estimated total of around 1,400 graves. Other sites are being investigated, and none of the investigations are complete. These findings have reminded many Canadians of the still-open wounds left by Canada’s treatment of its First Nations and other native peoples, and have caused deep national introspection. They have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.