Before you ask the question, yes, I was determined to make it seven reasons! The book of Revelation can be divided into seven natural sections, and the number seven appears no fewer than fifty-four times in the book. But, seriously, if you’ve never done it before, I hope that the seven reasons I give here encourage you to preach through the book of Revelation.

1. You should preach through Revelation because it’s just as much God’s Word as the rest of the Bible.

Okay, I know that’s obvious, but the fact is we don’t always treat Revelation as if we really believed it contains the Word of God. Jesus said, quoting Deuteronomy, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). And you know what? The last nine words of that quote include the book of Revelation!

2. You should preach through Revelation because it’s one of the most neglected and misunderstood books of the Bible.

There are two kinds of Bible-readers: (1) those who know they don’t understand Revelation and so avoid it like the plague; and (2) those who think they do understand it, but don’t, which

To the full-length post originally published on this site.