Come see my naked pastor.”

This was what the banner along the highway said. As people came home from work, dropped their kids off at soccer practice, ran to the grocery store, or went to see their abuelas on the weekend, they were being wooed by a local church. The draw? Apparently, this church employed a naked man as their pastor. The provocative sign promoted a new sermon series during which the pastor would be honest about his life and the challenges he had faced. This was supposed to help people relate to him and by association, the church, so they would feel comfortable and want to come back.

I wish I could tell you that this is a fictitious story. After all, aren’t pastors known for their made-up illustrations? But it’s true.

While this story might push the envelope for most outreach-oriented progressives, it nevertheless demonstrates how far some churches and their leaders are willing to go to “reach” people. From the promise of live animals on nativity sets, to helicopter Easter Egg drops, to free iPads, some churches pull out all the stops to make invitations difficult to deny.

You might wonder, aren’t such efforts good? After all, the church

To the full-length post originally published on this site.