I want to tell you about the most influential sermon I’ve ever heard.

I. The Transatlantic Drive, Part 1

I went to college a year later than most of my friends, so by the time I showed up they had already been going to a church for a year. I won’t say its name, but it had the word “Baptist” in it. I, on the other hand, liked to attend churches whose names could have doubled as tech start-ups or rehab centers: The Verve, The Well, Crossroads, you know what I’m talking about.

But I trusted my friends. So I sleepily got in the car on Sunday morning and drove 15 miles away from campus to a cross-topped building nestled between a field and another field. The cattle were lowing, indeed. For a collegiate underclassman, this 20-minute jaunt felt like a transatlantic journey. I wondered if I’d ever return to it.

II. The Plain Preacher

We walked inside, I sat down, we sang some songs, I sat down again, and then this older man stood up in front of us. He wore a suit, forgettably dark and non-tailored. I noticed immediately that there was no podium, no pulpit, no music stand—just a

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.