Good morning. May grace and peace be with you today and in the week ahead.

Even the Sparrow

“Birds don’t build nests in dangerous places. They take time to find places that are hidden and secure from harm. As they gather the tiny twigs, bits of grass, and pine needles for their nests, they are preparing a place where they will lay their eggs, where they will sit patiently for their defenseless young to emerge. Those little ones won’t be able to leave the nest for a while so these mama birds find places where they know their fragile eggs and soon to be needy babies will be safe and undisturbed.” There’s a spiritual lesson here.

Prayer and the Ministry of the Word

H.B. Charles Jr reflects on the twin ministries of prayer and Word. “Bible exposition does not grow on trees. God does not speak to preachers and supernaturally give them the exegesis of the text. Clear, faithful, and consistent preaching and teaching is usually 90 percent perspiration and 10 percent inspiration. You do all you can do and then God does what you cannot do.”

Even to Your Old Age

William Farley reflects on the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.