My latest book, Consider Your Counsel: Addressing Ten Mistakes in Our Biblical Counseling, releases next week on August 1, 2021 (on my birthday!).

Learn more about the book and download free resources here: Consider Your Counsel. Purchase an autograph copy of Consider Your Counsel on sale at 25% off for just $12.99 at my secure and easy-to-use RPM Bookstore. Endorsements

 Honestly, I was a tad reluctant to write this book. I did not want it to be perceived in any way as a negative critique of the biblical counseling movement. So I asked some first-generation leaders of the BC world their thoughts. And I asked second and third-gen leaders. I’ve been encouraged not only by their kind words about the book, but especially by how they saw the intent of the book—to sharpen our skills as BCers. Here are 16 endorsements of Consider Your Counsel from a broad cross-section of BC pastors, practitioners, leaders, and professors.

I have a new, favorite book to give to every biblical counselor who is desiring to sharpen their skills. My friend, Bob Kellemen, who in over thirty years of ministry has counseled thousands of individuals and supervised hundreds of counselors, guides us

To the full-length post originally published on this site.