As we begin a new day and head into a weekend, please know: Right now, at this very moment, God is reigning from his eternal throne.

This is one of those occasional reminders that all the quote graphics I share from day-to-day are available to print or download for free in high definition at SquareQuotes.

(Yesterday on the blog: Three New Tools That Make a Huge Difference)

The Great Winnowing

“A lot of people aren’t coming back to church.  Let that sink in a minute. Real people—souls, names, faces, and life stories who you know and love—are most likely not going to return to regular church gatherings in a post-pandemic world.” This article suggests ways to pursue them.

Mom Guilt and the God Who Sees

Lauren Whitman: “Mom guilt. Moms today are well acquainted with the term. We use it as a kind of shorthand to express an all-too-common feeling we face in the everyday events of mothering. I’ve been thinking and reading a lot about mom guilt in preparation for my lecture at CCEF’s national conference this October.”

A Brief Word About Anxiety Medication

Paul Tautges shares some well-considered thoughts on anxiety medications. “We are always made up

To the full-length post originally published on this site.