A Word from Bob: Today’s blog is a guest post by my friend, Dan Brewer. Check out Dan’s bio below.
False Trust
It is a well-documented fact that wearing a life jacket can save your life on the water. By definition, a personal flotation device is meant to keep you safe and on top of the water.
So you can imagine the irony of wearing a life jacket make out of concrete. Obviously, that would defeat the purpose. While you might be able to tread water for a little while, eventually the weight will become too much. Drowning is inevitable.
Swimming with a concrete life preserver would be crazy. Yet isn’t that what we all do far too frequently when it comes to our affections for the things of this world? We craft and shape created things into idols, and cling so tightly to them thinking all the while that they will save or satisfy us (Jonah 2:8). In reality, they bring death and disappointment (Prov. 14:12; Rom. 6:21-23).
How do you know if you are clinging to concrete life preservers? Check your emotions. Are you experiencing envy, embarrassment, discouragement, resentment, or other negative emotions? These emotions are symptoms.
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.