There are problems wherever you go, so you’d better learn how to handle them.

“I’d sure like to know how to.”

Well, that’s one thing that biblical counseling is all about—how God tells us to solve problems. Contrary to what some people think about the Bible, it isn’t a book full of problems, it’s a book of solutions. These solutions reach all of life’s problems in one way or another, beginning with the problem of how you may find eternal life. Have you read its message about the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

“Yes, I know that He died for my sins and that His resurrection from the dead proved that God accepted His substitutionary, penal death.”

Good. But knowing isn’t enough. Do you believe that He died in your place, bearing the punishment for your sins?

“Yes. I have repented of my sins and trusted in Him as my Savior. But where do I go from here? There are so many other problems in life to solve. And I’d like to know how to help my friends at church and members of my family when they have to solve some of these problems. But I just don’t

To the full-length post originally published on this site.