Guest Post by Dr. Nate Brooks

See the end of today’s post for Dr. Nate Brook’s bio.

A Word from Bob

In our modern biblical counseling world, some folks have a strong reaction against any concepts that they assume arises from the world or specifically from secular psychology. One example of this is with the concept of “depression.”

Recently, I came across a wonderful tweet-string from Dr. Nate Brooks on a biblical view of depression.

Nate does an excellent job of building a succinct but powerful case for depression as a biblical category. More than that, Nate models how to think biblically about real-life categories. Nate is a wonderful example of truly biblical counseling—counseling that is comprehensively biblical and compassionately biblical.

Enough from me. Here’s Nate’s tweet-string. In just 500 words, he builds a rich foundation for a biblical understanding of depression—and of the value of descriptive collation of a cluster of symptoms.

Remember, as you read the first few tweets, Nate is stating the views of others. Nate is not stating his own views until tweet #4.

From Nate Brooks, 10/12/21: Twitter Handle: @natejbrooks

Tweet #1

Is depression an unbiblical construct?

Tweet #2

It’s sometimes argued that depression

To the full-length post originally published on this site.