I had to take a few minutes in the bathroom at work to compose myself. I didn’t want anyone to see that I was crying. I had just been in a conversation with someone who was not happy about a decision I had made. It was just a misunderstanding. I tried to smooth things over, I apologized, I tried hard to make her like me again. Nothing was working. Why does this keep happening to me? No matter how hard I try, I can’t get people to be happy with me all the time.

 Hello, my name is Katie and I am a people pleaser.

 Can anyone else relate? Does it bother you when someone is unhappy with you, or does not like you? Do you spend your day trying so desperately to please others and to win their approval? You are not alone. Many women struggle with this problem. At one point in my life it caused me so much stress and anxiety I avoided interacting with people on a personal level as much as possible.

From my own personal experience of being a chronic people pleaser and from counseling other Christian women who struggle similarly; I have learned

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.