“I don’t even know what to do anymore,” he secretly wished that the heart attack that killed his good friend had happened to him instead. 

Financial stressors, church hurt, and more house projects than he knows what to do with had led to a perpetual dread of waking up each morning.

He finished with “My marriage sucks! My wife left me in her heart years ago. If it weren’t for the kids, she would have left me already.”

There are many problems and struggles that people in our churches will face after the pandemic. Truthfully, most of these problems didn’t go away during the pandemic, but some leaders found their attention focused on the more pressing concerns. 

Week after week, people show up to church wondering why God hasn’t changed their situation. Does God even have answers for my problems?

If church leaders don’t learn how to care for these struggles, we can expect them to worsen year after year. 

We can’t change others, but we can influence them through our care.

God uses our care to help others change, bring comfort to the hurting, and teach us lessons about God’s heart. Acts 20 gives us a pattern of care that every

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.