A recent article intrigued me with its assertion that it is better to understand Bitcoin as gambling than investment: “An asset that never pays a dividend but has a price that keeps rising is a bubble. An investor can believe Bitcoin is a bubble and rationally invest so long as she expects to sell out before the bubble pops. But that isn’t investing; that’s gambling, and it’s a zero-sum game.” Being largely unfamiliar with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, I wanted to think this matter through. I know a number of believers who are enthusiastic about Bitcoin and blockchain, not just as it pertains to personal finances but also as it may serve ministry purposes. What follows is an article these men wrote that makes a basic Christian case for Bitcoin and the blockchain technology behind it. It provides an alternate perspective for those of us just beginning to think this through. I hope you find it helpful.


As Christians, we are responsible before God to approach every area of our lives as an opportunity to glorify His name, advance His Kingdom, and steward His creation. It shouldn’t surprise us that many believers approach the financial and investment world

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.