May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

On sale at Westminster Books this week is an excellent new daily devotional from Alistair Begg.

Brothers Indeed

I very much enjoyed this dispatch from afar.

The Middle Years

Melissa often makes me laugh. “The middle years, where any guess about my age is likely to be wrong one way or the other, depending on ridiculous things like how much water I’ve been drinking or how much I spent on my current anti-aging moisturizer.”

The Grief of Finite Joy

“Somehow my oldest child is a freshman in high school. As I’ve experienced those where-did-the-time-go emotions that come with such minor milestones, I’ve started to feel a deep, preemptive loss.”

Public Health After Christendom

This is quite an interesting look at how public health is likely to change in a post-Christian era. “It is my contention that public health should be recognized for what it has become, not what it set out to be.”

How to Spot a Personality Cult

Mark Hampton: “In the modern West the church has an issue with its public image. With the rise of digital media and heightened technophilia, the image we often

To the full-length post originally published on this site.