The Trinity is definitive for corporate worship. Apart from the being and works of the triune God, corporate worship would not exist. Accordingly, the church directs its worship to the Trinity in praise of the Trinity because of who he is and what he has done. Though the entirety of Scripture confirms the preceding points, Revelation 4–5 displays them with particular clarity and beauty.

1.) Corporate worship exists because of the Trinity.

Although the external works of the Trinity are undivided, Revelation 4–5 appropriates to distinct persons of the Trinity the distinct phases of the Trinity’s work of bringing corporate worship into reality. [1] According to these chapters, the Father wills corporate worship, the Son enables corporate worship, and the Spirit empowers corporate worship.

The Father wills corporate worship. Revelation 4:9 describes the first person of the Trinity as “him who is seated on the throne, who lives forever and ever.” According to Revelation 5:1, the first person of the Trinity holds in his right hand a “scroll,” which is best understood as a symbol of God’s sovereign decree for creation. In light of Isaiah 6, to which Revelation 4–5 repeatedly alludes, we may conclude that God’s decree for creation includes his desire

To the full-length post originally published on this site.