The Trinity is one of the most central and crucial Christian doctrines; it is also one of the least prooftext-able. This presents a special challenge for preachers who, like me, are committed to preaching sequentially through books of the Bible. How can you teach your people the Trinity through expositional preaching when you so rarely encounter anything like a full statement of the doctrine in a single passage? When the Trinity does break the surface of the text, how can you guide your people into the doctrine’s depths without drowning them in detail?

What follows are five simple suggestions for how you can teach the Trinity through expository preaching.

1. Find other venues for heavy lifting.

First, find other venues for heavy lifting. In what other contexts can you teach as much Trinitarian doctrine as your people can digest? Adult Sunday school? Midweek Bible study? A Sunday night doctrine series?

I’m not saying you have to keep heavy doctrine out of the Sunday morning expositional meal. I am saying that your congregation will be better able to digest the meatier parts of that meal if you regularly supplement it. For instance, my church regularly teaches a 26-week systematic theology Core

To the full-length post originally published on this site.